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- 1. Forum questions will be responded to by InfantRisk staff as schedules permit during normal business hours.
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- 4. We are a small team dedicated to helping you as best as we can. However, for the quickest response, we recommend calling the InfantRisk Center at +1(806) 352-2519.
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Due to the size of this drug and the poor bioavailability, it is unlikely to cause significant problems. We do not have definitive information on this...
Unfortunately, as I am sure you know, mothers on hormone therapy will have difficulty producing. It sounds like you are doing what you can to help her...
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We do not have any data on this medication, but would love to have milk samples to be able to help answer questions in the future. I am sorry that you...
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Safety depends on the dosage, but low dosages are likely to be compatible with breastfeeding. The risk here is minimal compared to you having long term,...
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Because of the baby's age, lack of nursing sessions, and low, once daily intake, there is very little risk for this mother and infant.
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These doses are pretty high. Most are water soluble which means that you will likely urinate out the excess, however, I would recommend using this calculator...
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Most of the absorption from Eliquis is in the GI tract. As long as baby does not get water or product in his/her mouth, it should be ok to use your milk...
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Local injections such as this are compatible with breastfeeding. Your doctor is correct
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