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Prednisone and Betamethasone cream use

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  • nicholec
    This is compatible with nursing. Just make sure to try to remove the cream from your chest before nursing if baby will be near the area of application.

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  • JennS2380
    started a topic Prednisone and Betamethasone cream use

    Prednisone and Betamethasone cream use

    I was just prescribed 40 mg oral prednisone for 4 days before tapering (less 10 mg each 4 days to 10 mg, 16 days total) and betamethasone 0.05% for bad skin inflammation on my neck/top of my chest.

    My dermatologist didn’t feel comfortable telling me I could breastfeed while on the oral med, but based upon these forums, it seems that the prednisone should be ok. My 20 month old nurses morning and night (and sometimes on demand for comfort on weekends). He is also on the small side, so we don’t want to do anything that would affect his growth.

    At this dose and for this length of time should I be concerned, or just make sure I wait 4 hrs (which would happen anyway given our schedule). Any concerns with the topical?
