I recently underwent a nuclear thyroid scan with I-123 (dosage 400) and previously was breastfeeding my 8 month old. My endocrinologist suggested pumping and dumping for 48 hours, but my son's pediatrician said there's really not much research out there to say when it's safe. I have been pumping and dumping for 2 weeks now and avoided all contact for 4 days after, but I would really love to continue breastfeeding if possible since my son has severe allergies and formula seems to be triggering symptoms. I have read a previous post on Infant Risk Center ([url]https://www.infantrisk.com/forum/forum/medications-and-breastfeeding-mothers/radioactive-drugs/1575-radiopharmaceuticals)stating[/url] that the previous recommendation was complete cessation due to cross contamination with 1-124 or I-125. Is this still a concern for some I-123? Would my hospital know the purity of the I-123 I took? I am incredibly anxious about my breast milk harming my baby's thyroid.
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The InfantRisk team
Nuclear Thyroid Scan
Good morning,
According to the American Thyroid Association and the American College of Radiology, it is recommend to discontinue breastfeeding for 3 to 4 days after a diagnostic scan with I-123 with doses over 400 MBq. If you have been pumping and dumping for 2 weeks, your milk should be more than safe to use again. The dosages and numbers associated with the isotopes given make a difference in the recommendations. If you received I-123, you are safe to breastfeed now.
Nichole Campbell, MSN, APRN, NP-C