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Mom & Baby on Different Antibiotics

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  • nicholec
    You can nurse your baby as normal. Azithromycin is an L2 and minimally excreted into breast milk. You could give your baby infant probiotics if he/she experiences diarrhea.

    You might consult with your pediatrician about your 3-month-old's antibiotics. It isn't typically necessary, but your providers have a fuller picture of you and your infant's presentation than we do

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  • Ivy Corinne Turpin
    started a topic Mom & Baby on Different Antibiotics

    Mom & Baby on Different Antibiotics

    My 3-month-old baby and I were tested and diagnosed with strep throat today. He is exclusively breastfed, and absolutely will NOT accept anything else for either comfort or food. The diagnosing doctor called and recommended that I stop breastfeeding for the duration of my 5-day round of azithromycin, while my baby has been prescribed a round of amoxycillin (I am allergic to amoxycillin, or else I would been prescribed that as well). Baby's dosing was cut down from 10 days to 7 days after I explained that I would likely have a difficult time trying to get him to accept formula, and that he would likely refuse it altogether; I specifically asked the doctor if something could be worked out that we both could be treated and keep the baby from being overloaded on antibiotics. With this information, how detrimental would it actually be to my baby if I breastfeed while we are taking antibiotics simultaneously?