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methotrexate and breastfeeding

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  • admin

    I'm sorry, but I would probably had told you to stop for 5-7 days. Methotrexate has a short half-life of at most 15 hours. Six or at most 7 times this would have been enough to safeguard your infant.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.

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  • secretarybec
    started a topic methotrexate and breastfeeding

    methotrexate and breastfeeding

    hi there
    I had methotrexate single dose injection (think quite high maybe 80 mg?) about 7 weeks ago. My baby was 5 days old when I had the shot and I was told to stop bf for 3 months. I had plaenta accrete which is why I needed the drug.

    I have had a lot of different opinions on this drug and bf and Im wondering if I am in fact to wait for 3 months or whether I could try to re-establish safely at this stage almost 7 weeks after the injection?

    I thought i had made my peace with formula feeding but I really want to bf and it is upsetting me that I cant - if there is any concrete evidence or certainty that I will be ok to feed my baby I wuld much appreciate it
