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Ovarian Insufficiency

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  • Ovarian Insufficiency

    I have a patient with ovarian failure/insufficiency. She has been on hormone replacement since her late teens when she was diagnosed. Pregnancy via IVF. Currently using estradiol transdermal patch 0.5 and 100 mg prometrium. She's mostly been pumping due to latching problems prior to our first meeting yesterday. We found a comfortable and effective latch and adjusted her pump fit. Surprisingly, she had been producing up to 21 oz per 24 hr with her pump routine.
    Baby is <4 weeks. Looking for experiences support patients with this condition.

  • #2
    Unfortunately, as I am sure you know, mothers on hormone therapy will have difficulty producing. It sounds like you are doing what you can to help her produce the maximum amount that she is able with ensuring that baby's latch and her pump are optimal. I would also encourage hydration, frequent emptying of the breast, and skin to skin contact. Observe infant for gynecomastia due to estrogen use (rare effect).

