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Betamethasone drops for ear

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  • Betamethasone drops for ear

    Hello there - I'm 9w5d - suffering a terrible ear infection that has resulted in perforation and severe conducive hearing loss. My ENT has prescribed 1% betamethasone drops to reduce ear inflammation - 2 drops to be taken 3 times a day. ENT knows I am preg - she chose this as a 'safe option'.

    My GP further explained this was fine to take because its localised absorption not systemic. However, I have read that the side effects of this medication based on animal studies are cleft palate and stunted growth. Also the information leaflet that comes with the medicine says to avoid during pregnancy.

    Please can you advise on if this is ok to take or not, or is there anything I need to be mindful of re. timings etc? I had my scan today, all is looking well, scan age showing 10w2d rather than 9w5d and heartbeart is 173.

    Thanks so much for your help.

  • #2

    We've used corticosteroids for various conditions in pregnancy for years. Most of us do not really believe that they are teratogenic at all, unless used in high doses over prolonged periods.
    In your case, I think there is virtually no risk at all. Your doctors are correct and I would consider it quite safe as prescribed.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.


    • #3
      Thank you so much for your reply. Helps so much to receive a response grounded in practical science! Thank you for putting my mind at rest. BW Hj

