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Pregnancy, ADHA, Adderol

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  • Pregnancy, ADHA, Adderol

    One of the reasons I have rationalized I could not be a mother is because I knew my ADHD ans use of Adderoll was contraindicated in pregnancy. I am the financial backbone of the household. I was dx. with Attention Deficit in 2008. Before taking meds... I messed up everything in my life. I was always told to I just needed to try harder. It was a very long hard road to embracing I had a mental health disorder. After starting meds... I became better at my job, life, relationships, and actually could be who I had spent my life "trying to be". I am "better", and I am proud of that even if it is because of my medication.

    I am pregnant. I am about 35 days along. When we started considering to get pregers I reduced my Adderoll XR capsules 10-15 mg am dosage with 2nd dose if 5-10 mg tab 6 hrs later. I take Adderoll while at work or when just when I am hoping to be high functioning adult. And now... I am down to!!!... Adderoll tablet 5mg (1/2 of 10mg tab) twice a shift at 1800 and 0000. On really bad busy (TWO thus far) days I have taken an additional 2.5- 5 mg. My MAX daily dosage totals 10-15 mg. If I have a relaxed or couch/Sunday football day I refrain from taking it at all

    I tried not taking it at all... but it is not an option if I want to keep my job. I am inadequate I am when unmediated. People without ADHD do not understand... they think you have low self of steam... when you are stating a fact. I spent 28 years being inadequate and not feeling good about my ability, being lectured on trying harder, paying closer attention. I lost jobs, friends, and integrity. My dysfunction impacted my personal life and professional life.

    I have NOT had my first OBGYN visit. But I am going to stick to my med low dose regime even if it is not recommended. I am going to be open with my OBGYN. I know after reading others "brave sharing" relaying how they continued Adderoll at much higher dosages than mine... that I am not evil or selfish.

    I will continue to post threads on how I am doing and the stigma related to the subject in hopes that it will help others.

    Currently I know hydration and calorie intake are big goals daily for me. The divided doses keep my appetite and thirst intact so I "think about eating" cause I am hungry. I have been a diligent work horse for years and now I am MAKING myself SIT DOWN and eat a meal at work for my 30 min breaks.

    The first trimester I am concerned with miscarriage. I'm terrified I will blame myself.... but in truth miscarriage are COMMON in the first trimester... and I can not be afraid of "what if's". I am going to do what I think is the VERY best for me and my little "bun in the oven".
    What is best for ME in my situation is "my decision", so please respect that in you threads.
    I hope this helps others

  • #2
    OBGYN visit

    HUH--- after all the worrying... the OBGYN did not voice any concern over my low dosage of adderoll. I even asked if "breaking down" on a hectic night and taking the additional 5mg was an issue. And NOPE- they seems completely unconcerned over the medication.

    So 10- 15 mg of Adderoll is OK. Hopefully I can keep taking this low dose. I suck at my job right now... but it is not a disaster like me taking no meds.

    At home I take no meds... and it is a disaster. My poor husband.

