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  • admin

    I'd suggest you stay with 150 mg/day and not change anything. The infant may have a slight withdrawal, but nothing major. Just tell your pediatrician that the risk of withdrawal in the infant is less than 30% and it is gone in 3-4 days.

    So, good luck with your delivery and enjoy your new child.

    Tom Hale Ph.d.

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  • Walla158
    started a topic Sertraline


    Dr. Hale,
    I am almost 30 weeks pregnant and have been on 150mg sertraline/zoloft for many years including this pregnancy. My original plan was to drop down to 100mg around 37 weeks. However, over the past few weeks, my anxiety has increased significantly. It is not unmanageable now, but I fear that dropping down to 100mg would make it unmanageable and I dont want that to happen so close to birth. Do you think it would be okay if I just maintained my current dose of 150mg rather than drop down? Thank you so much for your help.