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Pregabalin in Pregnancy and breastfeeding

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  • Pregabalin in Pregnancy and breastfeeding

    I am taking Lyrica to help me manage my fibromyalgia pain. I take it 3x a day. I am afraid to continue with it because of my condition and it may affect my baby. Though I was told by my doctor that some doctors will still prescribe it if there are no other alternatives. I am hesitant because my OB isn't too convinced with this. Any advice?

  • #2

    We have very little or no data on the use of pregabalin in humans who are pregnant. The animal studies done at higher doses were concerning and birth anomalies were reported. At this point, its probably best to avoid this drug while pregnant.

    As for breastfeeding, it is small in molecular weight and has the right kinetics to enter milk avidly. In addition is well absorbed orally. I would guess milk levels will be modest. So I'd urge some caution in its use in breastfeeding mothers until we know more.

    Tom Hale Ph.d.


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