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Doxycycline and breastfeeding 4+ weeks

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  • Doxycycline and breastfeeding 4+ weeks

    I have been diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and have been put on Doxycycline to treat it. I have been on doxy for almost 4 weeks (2-week increments). My doctor wants me on doxy for another 3 weeks because I am still having some symptoms. I went about 2 and 1/2 months without diagnosis and treatment, so it is taking longer to get rid of the disease in my system. My son is 14 months old and only nurses 3-4 times a day. I was hoping to get off of the doxy at the 2-week point and now again at this 4-week point, however, neither is the case. I will now be on doxy for a total of 7 weeks. I have read to not go past 4 weeks of nursing on doxy because it can be unsafe. I am wondering if anyone has heard of doxy being safe for breastfeeding past 4 weeks?

  • #2

    How long of a break did you have between your 2 rounds of doxycycline, and how long has it been since you stopped the second round before you would start the third round ? If it was only a short break like a week or so we would not recommend using the doxycycline another 3 weeks because of the risk of impaired bone growth or teeth staining. Doxycycline has a long half-life of 15-25 hours, it takes 5-6 half-lives to be completely out of your system. At 14 months of age the risk of the medication may be greater than the benefit of breastfeeding.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      Thank you for your response. There were no breaks in between either round of doxy. I was hoping at each new round of antibiotics I would be healed and wouldn't need anymore. At this point, should I stop nursing cold turkey or could I wean him for possibly 3 days with only 1 feeding before bed?


      • #4

        Weaning over the next 3-4 days would probably be ok.


