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Metronidazole at 14 weeks pregnant

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  • Metronidazole at 14 weeks pregnant

    I’m 14weeks pregnant and was prescribed metronidazole for bacterial infection. Is it safe to take? I’ve read that this medication shouldn’t be used during the 1st trimester on another website and am worried that it might not be safe since I’m still at the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Thank you.

  • #2
    Hi Str51,

    There are rare reports of cleft palate/cleft lip with metronidazole exposures in the first trimester, but the rate of malformations may not be any different with or without the drug. We do not have any strong evidence for the malformation, which is the best indicator we have for making drug recommendations in this case.

    Don't forget, an untreated infection can also have an effect on the baby. It is not simply a question of if the drug poses risk, but what is the best balance of risks and benefits for both you and your baby.

    Kaytlin Krutsch, PharmD

