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  • Emergen-C


    I have been taking Emergen-C Immunity for the past 2 months (1-3 packets per day) and did not realize it was potentially harmful to my EBF 4 month old I stopped it immediately after finding out but wanted to know what to look for re: any symptoms in my infant/what makes it potentially toxic.

    I am also taking Vitamin D3 2000-4000 IU, prenatal vitamin, probiotic, DHA/EPA capsules (1720 mg EPA and 1100 mg DHA). Are any of these potentially hazardous to my infant? Is it OK to take a calcium supplement as well or is that contraindicated?

    Thank you!!

  • #2

    Emergen-C is just another oral vitamin. I wasn't able to find the exact ingredients, perhaps someone knows what and how much of each vitamin is present. The website is not too forthcoming with the ingredients, that I could see. Its probably no better, probably no worse than any of the others. Vitamin D3 is ok as long as you don't go too high in dose ( > 10,000 IU/day). Very little of this dose will get into milk anyway. Your infant should be supplemented directly with 400 IU per day. The others listed above are OK as well.

    But honestly, you'll be just as well off just using the prenatal vitamin along. You're just making expensive urine.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.


    • #3
      Re: Emergen-C

      Ha! Thanks Dr. Hale. But The reason I am worried is because I saw that "Airborne" is rated as L4 and I have been drinking the Emergen-C "Immunity" which has vitamins but also has Arabinogalactan (Larix laricina), Beta Glucans, Stevia (leaf extract), Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Quercetin, which seems very similar to Airborne


      • #4

        The problem with Airborne is the Vitamin A content. Using three a day would provide 15,000 units of vitamin A which I think would be excessive in a breastfeeding mother.

        I honestly don't know why anyone would need these other items mentioned above.

        Tom Hale Ph.d.

