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Aloe Vera

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  • Aloe Vera

    I have a mother who is using fresh Aloe Vera juice on her sore nipples, as nothing else has helped, including all-purpose nipple ointment with steroid, anti-fingal and anti-bacterial. She says it is helping. Should she wash it off before BF, or not worry about it. her twins are former 27 weekers now 2+ months of age.
    Thanks for your help!
    Carol, RN, IBCLC

  • #2
    Aloe Vera on nipples

    I would urge caution in using aloe vera on the nipples of a breastfeeding woman. First because it has so many different pharmaceuticals in it, such as Aloe latex, a bitter yellow product derived from the outer skin, which is a drastic cathartic and produces a strong purgative effect on the large intestine due to its anthraquinone barbaloin content. It would of course not be a problem if she washed it off prior to breastfeeding.

    I would instead suggest a mild hyrodcortisone ointment (0.5 - 1%), or purified lanolin.


    Tom Hale Ph.d.

