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Glaucoma eyedrops

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  • Glaucoma eyedrops

    I'm sorry - I initially posted my question as a reply to someone else's post, but realized then that perhaps it would be more visible as a new topic.

    I was diagnosed with glaucoma a few weeks ago when my baby was 12 weeks old. At first I was prescribed Timosan eye drops (timolol 0,1%), but this caused me systemic side effects. I was then switched to Azopt eye drops (brinzolamide). Then, most recently Betoptic eye drops (betaxolol) were added for one eye only. So, currently I'm taking Azopt and Betoptic. My eye doctor thinks that it's fine to go on nursing my infant while taking these drugs, but I still lack confidence to do so freely. For the time being I have only given him very limited amounts of breast milk after the maximum interval between taking the medication (the eye drops have to be administered twice a day) to give my body the time to metabolize the drug as much as possible before nursing. This, however, has undesirable effects: 1. while on formula the baby gets really bad tummy problems and it is very hard for him to poop 2. my milk is starting to run out because there is no demand (no regular suckling).
    What is your advice? Could I switch my baby back to breast milk exclusively? What would be the optimum interval after administrating the eye drops to wait before nursing?
    I would very much appreciate your help on this, because I need to do what is best for my baby. If possible, please give me information on all three drugs. I'm not currently on timolol, but it's possible I'll have to give it another try if the other two I'm currently on won't be effective enough in lowering my IOP s. The two other drugs are Azopt (brinzolamide) and Betoptic (betaxolol).
    Yours sincerely,

  • #2

    I'd suggest you start back breastfeeding. Most drugs used in the eye are unabsorbed to any significant extent. You doctor is probably right, that the risks to you infant are minimal.

    I'd follow you doctors advice and start back breastfeeding.

    Tom Hale Ph.d.

