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Post Streptoccocal Psoriasis

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  • Post Streptoccocal Psoriasis

    I’ve just been diagnosed with post streptococcal psoriasis and have been prescribed a slew of steroids. My son is 13 months old but still nurses on demand. His eats limited amounts at meals. Are the following medications safe to take while still nursing full time:

    prednisone 50mg for 5days
    triamcinolone on affected areas

    I do not have a stash of pumped milk I can give him and he has never been one to take a bottle. The psoriasis is so bad it has given me sever dandruff as well. Thank you for your insight and help!

  • #2

    Prednisone is rated an L2-limited data-probably ok. The amount that transfers into breast milk is 1.8-5.3% of your dose. We do recommend for doses greater than 40mg to wait at least 4 hours to nurse, but short term therapy should not be a problem.

    Triamcinolone is rated an L3-limited data-probably compatible. We do not know exactly how much transfers into breast milk. "When applied topically, absorption varies between 1-36% depending on amount used and surface area covered on application. Absorption after topical application is promoted with use of higher doses, increased dosing frequency and use of occlusive dressings." (Medications and Mothers' Milk database, Dr Thomas Hale PhD) We recommend that you apply it sparingly to affected areas only for short periods of time say 1- 2 weeks while having a flare up, then switching to a low potency steroid like hydrocortisone cream to reduce exposure. Apply after breastfeeding so it has time to get absorbed so that your infant does not come in contact with the medication. Limit use if applied to breast area and wash off prior to breastfeeding.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

