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Benzodiazepines and lack of milk ejection reflex (letdown)

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  • Benzodiazepines and lack of milk ejection reflex (letdown)

    Hi, I have Bipolar type two and have been able to nurse for 27 months my second baby, get pregnant while nursing, and nurse my seven month old baby (and still going) without bipolar treatment, or any serious relapses. I have been using Ambien here and there without any ill side effects to baby (ies) using expressed breastmilk and supplementing with that if needed.

    Lately I have experiencing lots of anxiety, borderline panic attacks, on the days leading up to my period, my psychiatrist tells me the standard treatment is adding an SSRI, for me that's not an option, and since I'm doing fine for the rest of the month I don't want to start bipolar treatment, so we agreed to add an Benzo (lorazepam) for that week or so, 2mg a day as needed, I'm following all the precautions, and haven't seen any sedation on baby, I still supplement with frozen milk if I feel the next feeding is too close to the medicine, what I am feeling is a complete lack of milk ejection feeling, no letdown whatsoever, even if it was 24 hours that I took the last pill, is this normal? Should I try another benzo instead?

    Thank you, Ainara.