Omnipaque is rated an L2-limited data-probably compatible. The amount that transfers into breast milk is only 0.49-0.59% of your dose. The American College of Radiology suggests that it is safe for a mother to continue breastfeeding, but Dr Hale prefers one pump and dump a about 3-4 hours.
Sandra Lovato R.N.
InfantRisk Center
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The InfantRisk team
Cerebral Angiogram
The nurse said they will be using Omnipaque for the procedure. Thanks again for your help!
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We need to know what agent they will be using during the procedure to advise you properly. (please get an exact name not just iodine as many agents contain iodine). If it is a true contrast, the majority are probably ok. We usually recommend one pump and dump at 3-4 hours to eliminate most risk.
Sandra Lovato R.N.
InfantRisk Center
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Cerebral Angiogram
I’m having a cerebral angiogram this week to evaluate an intracranial aneurysm and was advised to pump and dump for 24 hours following the procedure. Is this necessary? I’m still nursing my 22 month old and I know he’ll want to nurse after being separated for most of the day. Thank you for your help!Tags: None
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