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Nicotine free vape

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  • Nicotine free vape

    I am wondering if something like a nicotine-free vape (like ripple) or one of the vitamin type (like the breathe b-12) would be considered safe? Even something like the fum with essential oil soaked cartridges that don't produce vapor and just flavor the air.

    I quit smoking as soon as I became pregnant, but my cravings have been bad lately and it's affecting my mental stability at this point. I want to avoid nicotine at all costs and i think the act of actually inhaling something will do more for me than the actual nicotine itself, so I'm wondering if there is any insight on which would be the best way to go or what to do.

  • #2
    E-cigarettes have become very popular as a safer alternative to cigarette smoking without exposure to tobacco and substances known to cause detrimental effects including lung cancer. However, these products have not been extensively studied and currently are not licensed by the FDA. There is no data available in regards to transfer of the vitamin or flavor vape pens at this time. It is assumably low, however, due to the varying ingredients and concentrations in these products, it is impossible to definitively say that it is safe. Avoiding nicotine will be best for you and your baby in terms of overall health and I applaud you for striving to do so. I wish I had a better answer in regards to safety, but we really just don't know the effects of these newer, widely variable products.

