I cannot find any data on this. I'm on a lot of medicine to treat bipolar 2, panic disorder, severe idiopathic hypersomnia. Lamictal 200mg, clonazepam odt 2-3mg per day, provigil 400mg per day. Then miralax, senna for severe IBS. If my child has a sensitivity to corn... and I called they all have corn derivatives in them... is it possible she could be reacting to
my medicine and that's why she still is having allergic colitis?
The gi dr doesn't think so. There's nothing I can find on this.
i have cut all dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, corn and corn derivitives as much as possibly possible, wheat/gluten, and fish. Wits been 5 weeks since I did this elimination... she still has blood in her stool and she is 8 weeks old now. She is also on Prevacid but that was compounded and stevia put in that, but started just this past Friday) and she is on an organic culturelle with no corn. She also constantly has a stuffy nose that will not get better which is a sign of food intolerance
I occasionally have a drink made with potato vodka, but alcohol leaves the milk quickly and I do it nurse her any times near when I drink it.
Ok thank you