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Frozen Embryo Transfer Drugs & Breastfeeding

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  • Frozen Embryo Transfer Drugs & Breastfeeding


    My daughter is 13 months old. She only nurses at night to fall asleep and maybe wakes up a few times to nibble back to sleep. She doesn't drink much, and has always been a "snacker." She eats solids and drinks whole milk all day long. I am about to start a FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) I have already been on 4 (2mg) of Estrodial a day with 2 (1mg patches) - I surprisingly didn't see a drop in milk supply but I also really never carried much to begin with. I am prescribed to inject intramuscular 2cc of Progesterone oil tomorrow, along with 2 400mg progesterone suppositories morning and night respectively (maintaining Estradiol dosage) for Sunday (tomorrow), Monday and Tuesday while also taking Doxycycline 2x a day for 5 days and 1 Valuum on Wednesday.

    Is it safe to still allow my daughter to nurse to sleep for comfort. Some Milk will get through but it's only nighttime so she can sleep and so I can sleep. Please let me know your thoughts as I am torn and upset about abruptly stopping our bonding nighttime routine.

    Thank you in advance!
