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Norco PRN and feedings

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  • admin

    Probably not since you do not take very much and are waiting a half-life to breastfeed after a dose.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.

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  • Mnkslk
    Is it likely that if I take 5/325 3xday and skip the feedings after I've taken them that my infant could become dependent? I also formula feed each feeding, and imagine he is getting more formula than breastmilk, especially since his bowels have changed to the firm darker green since I've weaned two or three nursing sessions a day.

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  • admin

    Norco is rated an L3-limited dated-probably compatible. The amount transferred into breast milk is 2.2-3.7% of your dose. The medication is most concentrated in the first 2 hours after taking it so try and wait 2-3 hours to breastfeed after a dose. We recommend not taking more than 30-40mg in 24 hours. Watch for sedation, poor feedings, slowed breathing rate, apnea and constipation. This medication is used in c-section moms all the time without complications if you follow the guidelines.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

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  • Mnkslk
    started a topic Norco PRN and feedings

    Norco PRN and feedings

    I have a seven week old and was prescribed Norco 5/325 3x/day PRN. for chronic back pain. My OB said to wean, while the pediatrician said I was ok to coming feeding. I have taken at most two a day, generally just one the past week. Is this dose likely to case sleepiness or constipation, or respiratory distress? My baby just went through a growth spurt so it's hard to determine why he is taking odd timed naps. He nurses a few times a day (5 or so) and is supplemented with formula at every feeding every two hours. When I do take the medication, I wait at least four hours before I nurse again. What is the likelihood he is receiving any of the medication through milk?