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Percocet and breastfeeding

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  • Percocet and breastfeeding

    Hi, had emergency foot surgery and was forced to resort to formula for my 6 week old while in the hospital, have been back home for over a week and have finished other Meds except percocet (5/325) which I've tried to wean off of but the pain is more than I can bear so have been taking about 4 pills a day as needed.(20mg) I have been feeding my little one for the past few days (she's now almost 8 weeks) if I can wait 8 hours after a dose, sometimes I've been able to wait up to 12 hours. I feed formula the rest of the day while I pump and helps my supply and closeness to get in at least the one feeding if I can handle the pain between pills for a few extra hours but I do worry about hurting the baby.
    Wanted to make sure this is ok - with what I've found online it seems to be but would like to hear for my specific situation.

    My concern is also the extent of time I will need these Meds. It was serious surgery and the pain does not seem to be letting up - how many days can I continue feeding her like this until it becomes a problem?

    Is there any other medication I can ask my surgeon for that is better for the baby? Tylenol isn't strong enough and I'm not allowed Motrin as it was a severed tendon and that could prolong healing time.

    Thanks in advance for any advice/information. I love to breastfeed but the last thing I want to do is harm my baby.

  • #2

    Please call our service and talk with one of my counselors


    Tom Hale Ph.d.

