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Anesthesia and breastfeeding....the affects?

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  • Anesthesia and breastfeeding....the affects?

    I am going into the hospital have a procedure called LEEP done. I will be put under local anesthesia for about a half hour. I'm unsure of what drugs will be used but they are aware that I am breastfeeding. I want to know how soon after the procedure can I breastfeed my baby

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Dear canadian02,

    When you find out what medications you will be taking, you may either call us at the InfantRisk Center at 806-325-2519. We are open Monday through Friday, 8 to 5 Central Daylight Time or post again on the forum. Each medication half-life and relative infant dose are different so we need specific drugs so we can give you specific information.

    Cindy Pride, MSN, CPNP
    TTUHSC InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      Is there data on lidocaine given locally in the breast and breastfeeding a healthy term newborn? Can a mother breastfeed immediately after having a breast biopsy?


      • #4

        No data that I know of. I would be concerned however, and would wait for a few hours after the pain returns for it to dissipate. I'd say at least 4 hours AFTER the pain has returned. This would suggest that the lidocaine has been absorbed (when the pain returns), and the 4 hours would allow a bit longer for any small amounts of lidocaine to be metabolized. But I'd be sure the drug they use IS lidocaine. They use many injectable anesthetics nowadays, some with extremely long half-lives. So be sure its lidocaine.

        Tom Hale Ph.D.

