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CBD oil for POTS

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  • CBD oil for POTS

    I read the topic regarding CBD oil use related to anxiety, but I am curious if the effects for curbing POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) outweigh potential side effects in my nursing toddler (17 months).
    I'm generally pretty conscious of an episode coming on and can fight it for a few seconds (I have a very minor case), and have yet to pass out with him in my arms. My husband has only needed to take him from me once.

    Does anyone have any insight?

  • #2
    B's Mom:

    I would be cautious using CBD oil for POTS syndrome, as it is basically unstudied. We do know that THC is absolutely contraindicated, making it much worse. That doesn't necessarily say CBD does this but its a bit riskly. I'd suggest other treatments for POTS related anxiety, such as the antidepressants, but I'd ask your physician who's treating this syndrome.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.

