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Drilling of Amalgam Filling without Recommended Precautions & Breastfeeding

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  • Drilling of Amalgam Filling without Recommended Precautions & Breastfeeding

    I had a root canal completed this morning that involved drilling through an amalgam filling. I didn't know until afterwards that I should have requested specific precautions be used to minimize exposure to mercury. After reviewing the recommended precautions, I can confirm that they were not taken. (No rubber dam; no alternate source of air; only minimal use of water on the tooth during drilling.) What is the risk to my 9-month old daughter if I continue breastfeeding? Should I stop breastfeeding or take a break for a certain amount of time to limit her exposure? Is there any other action I should take to minimize the risk?

    Also, I only have a temporary filling in place now, and need to have a permanent filling put in and a crown in a few weeks. This could involve further disturbance of the remainder of the filling. Will the fact that it could be disturbed again further increase the risk of exposure for my daughter?