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CBD oil/ Medicinal Cannabis

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  • CBD oil/ Medicinal Cannabis

    I am curious as to whether there has been any further research on the use of medicinal cannabis and or CBD oil while breastfeeding. I have been informed that with CBD oil there is no psycho active affect on the user ( therefore not inhibiting a mothers ability to parent) however the medicinal properties are still available in order to benefit the user.
    Myself being a mother of a beautiful exclusively breastfed 6 month old little girl am curious. I deal with what my husband considers crippling anxiety. I myself am very wary of using pharmaceuticals. I prefer to stick to a very natural/ organic lifestyle. The use of CBD oil has been brought up to me, but my concern is transfer to my daughter and the potential of harm on her developing brain. Her being breastfed and given every opportunity on the world is of my top priority. I don't want to harm her in anyway. I also don't want to void myself of feeling better so I can be a better wife and mother if there is no harm cause
    by medicinal use.
    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2

    There is virtually no research done on the use of Cannabis in breastfeeding mothers. The old stuff was not particularly good. I am getting ready to publish some new data but that is some months away.

    As for Cannabidol (CBD), while it appears to be somewhat safer than delta-9-THC, which produces psychological effects, Cannabidiol seems to be somewhat safer.

    But, we still do not know much if anything about it in breastfeeding or pregnant moms or its potential effects on neurobehavioral outcome in exposed infants.

    That said, we do know a lot more about the use of the antidepressants in treating anxiety. They are both very effective and from numerous studies, have very few to no complications in pregnancy or in breastfed infants.

    I would strongly urge you to talk with your physician about Zoloft or one of the other antidepressants. They work wonders in anxiety disorders. At least we have some comfort zone with them as compared to the unknown with marijuana or CBD.

    You, and your infant and husband, don't have to live with untreated anxiety. Seek some help.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.


    • #3
      I am interested in participating if you have any studies coming up. The benefits of CBD are too great to ignore, especially in breastfeeding women.

