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Thyrostim and Rhodiola

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  • Thyrostim and Rhodiola

    A mom caled asking about taking these two herbal substances. Mosr of what I've seen says there isn't enough info to make a determination for breastfeeding. Is that correct? Thank you!

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for your post.

    I agree with your assessment of the Rhodiola; there is not enough information to make a determination. Use at her own risk. The thyrostim is all pretty benign stuff, though. I do not see anything that is likely to cause problems in a breastfed infant. The USRDA of iodine for breastfeeding women is higher than other adults at 290mcg/day. Iodine concentrates in the breastmilk, so the mom should watch out for iodine in any other supplements and be careful not to get too much. Less knowledgeable practitioners prescribe large doses of iodine for thyroid problems and this can cause severe side effects in breastfed babies.

    Please call us at the InfantRisk Center if this has not completely answered your question.*(806)352-2519

    -James Abbey, MD

