I am 3 months post partum and experiencing a continued imbalance of hormones. It was suggested I try Vitex/Chasteberry to regulate my hormones (no cycles yet). Is this herb safe while breastfeeding?
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We do not recommend the safety of most herbal products as they have not been studied, are not FDA regulated and may possibly contain heavy metal content such as lead or mercury. We do not know how much transfers into breast milk or the possible effects it could have on infants. According to the Natural Medicine database it is considered unsafe in pregnancy and lactation when used orally. Theoretically, the hormonal effects of vitex agnus-castus might adversely affect pregnancy or lactation. Possible side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, itching skin or rash, irregular or prolonged menstrual bleeding, headache, fatigue, and insomnia, vertigo, confusion and weight gain.
Sandra Lovato R.N.
InfantRisk Center