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  • tanveerbhutani10
    Very good and useful

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  • francesbradley
    Good post!

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  • Myriam
    started a topic Cryotransfer


    Hello, I have great trouble posting on this board. I sent my question to the 'uncategorized' forum and it appears there.
    I'll try one more time here.

    Dear Dr. Hale,

    I tried several times to post this on the "contraceptives" forum, but it doesn't work and I really need more info...

    I am a LLL leader and a mother contacted me with the following situation.

    The mother is nursing her 3 year old child frequently, day and night.
    That woman has still 2 frozen embryos and she would like to have them transferred in the very near future, hoping for a pregnancy.
    She does not need hormonal stimulation, just the transfer of the 2 cryos.

    At the clinic they told her to stop nursing her child. Then the woman would be put on medication for a very predictable, artificial cycle.
    She was told that the transfer of the cryos cannot be done in a natural cycle.

    The artificial cycle was started with Marvelon (desogestrol en thinylestradiol) or Jasmine. Both these meds come in strips of 21 pills.
    After one week however the mother switched to Microlut (levonorgestrelum), as she felt her supply decreasing.
    Microlut however contains 35 pills per strip.
    The mother takes the pill since one month and maybe another month as there is noslot scheduled by the IVF lab yet.

    Menstruation occur while taking Microlut, making the cycles become harder for her to organize.
    By the end of the pilltaking she will have to take Suprefact nasal spray or Synarel nasal spray for about 2 weeks, in order to suppress the maturation of follicles.
    Those nasal sprays are said to inhibit lactation.
    Is there a difference between the two? Is one better suited for this woman that wishes to nurse her child throughout fertility treatment? Is there a difference in safety towards the nursing child?

    The mother thinks of switching over to Marvelon at the end to better time the menses.

    When stopping the pill she will menstruate and start on Progynova (patches or 2mg pills). This is needed to build up the endometrium to make implantation of the embryo possible.
    Later she will be taking Utrogestan.

    The woman in question does not worry about how the breastfeeding will evolve should she become pregnant, but she is
    worried about her supply in the months preparing for the cryo transfer.
    This is the mother's last attempt at getting pregnant.

    What will these drugs do to her milk supply?
    Are they potentially harmful for het nursing child?
    Are they other effects worth knowing?
