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tape worm infection - albenza or biltricide?
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Both of theses medications are still L2's, less than 1% of either medication is passed into breast milk. These doses are unlikely to be clinically relevant in an infant so it would not be necessary to pump and dump. The Albenza is used in infants and children all the time, where the Biltricide has no safety data on children less than 4 years of age. I spoke with Dr Hale he advised either probably ok, but since Albenza used in infants may be slightly safer.
Sandra Lovato R.N.
InfantRisk Center
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tape worm infection - albenza or biltricide?
I'm currently exclusively breastfeeding a 5 month old son. My older son recently passed a tape worm and was prescribed 2 doses of Albenza (one to take immediately, one to be taken 2 weeks from now). The pediatrician recommended that my husband and I call our doctor to be prescribed the same thing, although I am not sure I am infected. My husband was given 1 dose of Biltricide. My doctor told me that with the drug she's giving me (I'm assuming it's Biltricide), I would need to pump and dump the day I take it and for 3 days afterwards.
I'm a little confused as I was told that Albenza and Biltricide are both L2. Are these both an option for me? Which is the better choice when it comes to breastfeeding? Do I need to pump and dump with either medication?
I'm hoping you can give me some guidance so I can be informed when I discuss this with my doctor.
By the way, have the ratings of these medications been updated since the "Medications in Mothers Milk" 2014 edition was published? I believe that may be the doctor''s reference.
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