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Mebendazole 500 mg single dose
There is also the option on taking the Mebendazole dosage as 100 mg twice a day for three consecutive days, if this is more suitable.
Dear Dr Hale
With regards to the above post, does the fact that my infant takes the same dose of Mebendazole ( Vermox) as I, make a difference. I have in the past given it to her directly as a crushed tablet and she was fine.The dosage for adults and children is the same, a single once off dose of 500 mg. My concern is the fact that both her and I need to take the 500 mg tablet, would it be too much for her to tolerate?
Pumping and dumping is so difficult for me, almost impossible, as she relies on nursing to nap and sleep.
One other question that I have is if I can take Siberian Pine Nut Oil for my stomach ulcer, safely while nursing?
Thanks so, much
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Mebendazole is highly protein bound and is rather unlikely to enter milk in clinically relevant amounts. While we have no data directly, taken with the low oral bioavailability (absorption), and the fact that your infant is 2 years old, the dose your infant would be exposed to is probably very low. I doubt there is much of any risk to your infant, but if you want to be extra cautious, you could pump and discard your milk for 12 hours after the dose and this would reduce the transmission of this drug to your infant.
Tom Hale Ph.D.
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Mebendazole 500 mg single dose
I am currently nursing my 2 year old infant.
Is it safe for me to take a once off single dose of Mebendazole (Vermox) 500 mg?
Everywhere I read up about the safety of it in breastfeeding only speaks about 200 mg or 400 mg divided doses max per day.
Thanks so muchTags: None
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