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adhd meds with 5 month old breastfeeding

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  • adhd meds with 5 month old breastfeeding

    I've just been diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety issues. the psychiatrist and my dr aren't sure what would be safe to prescribe. I've had this my whole life, and i've tried to do natural remedies, but they don't seem to be working well enough. I've no idea where to start with what to suggest to them. I've not been medicated ever for anything like this. The only long term prescription I've taken is birth control pills before kids.

  • #2

    First, if you've used an SSRI in the past that worked, such as sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine( Prozac), or escitalopram( Lexapro), I'd suggest you use one of these. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it to a higher dose over a month or so. We know that for anxiety disorders, higher doses of SSRIs are generally required. Be cautious with the benzodiazepine (Valium) family, as they tend to produce dependence and may be hard to get off of. But basically, have a discussion with your physician, and have him/her help you decide about a product.

    If you'v not used any SSRI, then I'd suggest sertraline first, because we have so much breastfeeding data on it. But any of them are OK to use while breastfeeding.

    If you have more questions, call the InfantRisk Center for exact data on each drug.

    Get treatment, its best for you and most importantly, your baby.


    Tom Hale Ph.D.


    • #3
      I've not been on any SSRI before.

      I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to get the adhd undercontrol before addressing the anxiety and/or depression. I think my anxiety about things would be better and i would handle myself and the house etc better if adhd was under control, and then i would be able to deal with the anxiety as well. Or is an SSRI good for adhd as well?

      Mostly i worry about ssri's and the permanment-ness of them, I supose something like Ritalin is permanent treatment to, isn't it?

      Thanks for the reply!


      • #4

        I'm sorry, but we can't advise you on this situation. You need to see your physician and let him/her help you make this decision. But if you are raising children, you really need to take care of your mental health. Its critical for producing better outcomes with your children. Better mental health in the mom, make better kids...

        Go see your physician and get some help.

        Tom Hale Ph.D.

