I have a pt that uses selegililne transdermal patch for major depression. This is the only drug that has worked for her so to discontinue it is not an option. She is currently pregnant and would like to breastfeed her baby. This drug is labeled as an L4 so I'm looking for any additional information so I can help this mom make an informed decision regarding breastfeeding.
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Selegiline (Emsam) transdermal patch and breastfeeding
This is a typical and irreversible monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. This product has numerous and severe drug-drug interactions and drug-food interactions. MAO inhibitors are too hazardous to be used in breastfeeding mothers. This product should not be used in breastfeeding mothers. Potential side effects: Dizziness, Headache, Insomnia, and Nausea. We recommend if this the only thing that works for her, she should probably not stop it. She could talk to her doctor. A mother's health is important so she can care for her baby. She should not breastfeed while taking this.
Alicia Nelson RN Certified Breastfeeding Specialist
Infant Risk Center. Last edited by alicia; 08-15-2023, 10:31 AM.