Greetings, I have a client with a chest freezer full of expressed milk that is high in lipase. Her baby will not take it. Mom is on 50 mg of sertraline. Mom would love to donate this milk but I'm having a hard time explaining to parents what the relative amount of sertraline that might possibly be in the milk that might possibly be transferred to the baby, and what the relative risk might be. If I found a mom with low supply who was on sertraline, I would feel confident about suggesting a donation of milk with sertraline in it. With a baby who does not have aaseline of sertraline in their system from their mom, what would be the relative risk of accepting donor milk in this situation?
is this clear as mud?
Obviously I'm not brokering milk deals.
Betsy Hoffmeister, IBCLC
is this clear as mud?
Obviously I'm not brokering milk deals.
Betsy Hoffmeister, IBCLC