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  • Plavix

    Hello. I have been prescribed plavix due to cerebral aneurysms that are being repaired. I have a 3 year old that I still breastfeed due to her having feeding issues. I have read through and understand that there are no studies but I am wondering if it would be safe to nurse her once a day before my medication dose to try and make the weaning process easier for her. So basically 23 hours after the dose would it be safe for her to nurse? Thank you for any insight.

  • #2
    Hello! We have data from a publication that is still under review for Plavix (clopidogrel). While I can't share much, I can report that the levels of drug in milk in a small number of women was very low. We expect some variability in milk levels between people based on known genetic differences in Plavix metabolism. However, the "dose" of Plavix from milk to a relatively healthy 3 year-old eating complementary foods with some breast milk would be unlikely to cause your daughter any harm.

    Dr. Krutsch, PhD, PharmD


    • #3
      Thank you so much for the reply! Just to clarify it potentially would be fine for me to continue nursing her even before the 24 hour mark between doses as long as it’s just complimentary feeding? I still think I would try to wait as long as possible from dose to feed but if I could let her nurse in the evenings before bed and overnight that would definitely benefit both of our sleep. Thank you again!

