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Any new info on Eliquis/Apixaban?

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  • Any new info on Eliquis/Apixaban?

    I have a client (age 23) who was found to spontaneously have 11 clots in her lungs. She woke up with chest pain with no other hx or issues except that she takes hormonal BC. She has a 10 month old. They want to switch her from Lovenox, which requires her to stay in the hospital, to Eliquis, which could allow her to go home. Baby nurses 6 times in 24 hours and weighs 18 pounds. Do we have any new info about Eliquis being an option for lactation? She will need to be on it indefinitely.

  • #2,

    There is no new data concerning Eliquis. This medication is not recommended at this time.

    "At this time there are no data regarding the transfer of apixaban into human milk. The manufacturer reports that apixaban is excreted into rodent milk (about 12% of the maternal dose). Based on this medications small volume of distribution and high pKa it will likely enter human milk. At this time we recommend the use of alternatives with more data in lactation (e.g. LMWH, warfarin) when suitable to treat the maternal condition."(Medications and Mothers' Milk database, Dr Thomas Hale PhD).

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

