Doesnt really matter. But waiting several hours wouldn’t hurt
Tom Hale
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Aspirin use during breastfeeding
Thank you Dr. Hale! I appreciate you getting back to me and all the research you are doing. One more question... does it matter how soon after I have taken 81mg of aspirin before I breastfeed my daughter? Should I wait a couple of hours?
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We've just finished publishing aspirin levels in milk and they are undetectable with our sophisticated equipment. So there is no way that she could get Reye syndrome via your milk.
Tom Hale Ph.D.
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Aspirin use during breastfeeding
My 9 month old has some sort of viral illness right now - possibly a cold. She was tested for flu and it was negative. She has been fever free for almost 24 hours. I normally take 81 mg aspirin at night, but I have skipped the last two nights due to concerns about Reye syndrome. I normally take it after I feed her for the last time for the day so it’s about 8 hours before she gets any milk but while she’s sick I’ve been feeding her more often and don’t have as big of a gap between feeding sometimes, especially at night. Is it possible for her to develop reye syndrome from breastfeeding if I am taking 81 mg aspirin?
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