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Plavix and breastfed toddler

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  • Plavix and breastfed toddler

    Hi I was just started on Plavix due to urgent endovascular coiling. I'm currently in the ICU for observation until discharge tomorrow. The only anticoagulant drug I can take is plavix or it's derivative due to the stent used. I'm getting conflicting information about continuing to breastfeed from my from my providers. My baby is 21 months, in good health, normal weight, etc. I did not prepare to wean, nor do I want to and she doesn't appear to be emotionally ready to. Specifically related to the med effects: Should I wean her immediately? Can I do so more gradually? Can I continue nursing and watch her? She nurses often, but the volume of milk that she's getting is very minimal. She eats solid food and has for a long time, so she's essentially nursing for comfort. I do not nurse and do not become engorged at all.

    I'm looking for an evidence-based answers. That's why I posted here. So if other posters could refrain from judgment based responses, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • #2

    Plavix is rated an L3-no data-probably compatible. We do not know how much transfers into breast milk, but it has high protein binding and is only 50% orally bioavailable, so we think it is probably ok to nurse as long as your infant is not symptomatic. Monitor for rare-bruising on the skin, blood in urine, vomit or stool.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      Thank you so much. I've now been prescribed prasurgrel. I think it's a relative of Plavix. What is the potential risks with prasurgel instead? Plavix wasn't working for me.


      • #4

        Prasurgel is rated an L4-no data-possibly hazardous. Monitor for rare-bruising on the skin, blood in urine, vomit or stool.

        Sandra Lovato


        • #5
          Any idea the concentration in breastmilk? She nurses by volume so little. I'm not even engorged after 36 hours of no recordinge at all. She's 21 months and basically nurses for comfort.


          • #6

            We do not know how much transfers into breast milk. Your child is older and probably not getting enough milk to cause side effects from this medication. I would discuss this with your pediatrician. If you decide to nurse your toddler monitor for rare-bruising on the skin, blood in urine, vomit or stool.

            Sandra Lovato

