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Ear infection

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  • Ear infection

    Hi there,

    I've had a terrible ear infection and have been given the following medications and so I'm just wanting to know their safety as I am breastfeeding my two year old currently.

    Endone 5mg and panedine forte - I stopped feeding during the time I took these and fed 24 hours after the last panedine forte I took and 48 hours after the Endone ... How long are these in the system ?

    Ciprofloxacin ear drops - I've been advised to take 5 drops twice a day

    Augmentin Duo Forte - I've been advised to take two courses (ten days)

    Thanks !

  • #2

    Endone is completely out of plasma and milk in 18-36 hours. The Panedine forte is completely out in 18 hours.

    Cipro as an ear drop is minimally absorbed and should not pose a problem.

    Augmentin is the lowest rating of L1, only about 1% of your dose transfers into milk. With any antibiotic monitor your infant for vomiting, diarrhea, rash and thrush.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      I have now been given nasonex spray (mometasone furate 50mcg/spay) once a day. Is this ok while bf ?

      Thank you for all of your help it is very much appreciated


      • #4

        Nasonex (mometasone) is probably ok to use during breastfeeding. It is considered a medium potency steroid. Following topical application to the skin, less than 0.7% is systemically absorbed over an 8 hour period. It is extremely unlikely mometasone would be excreted into human milk in clinically relevant levels following topical or intranasal administration.

        Sandra Lovato R.N.
        InfantRisk Center

