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Macrobid or Cipro in nursing

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  • Macrobid or Cipro in nursing


    I have an 8 week old daughter that I am nursing. I have a possible UTI and am wondering about the safety of Macrobid or Cipro if I am nursing. We are of South Asian descent and I do not know if my daughter has G6PD deficiency. If I would like to continue to nurse, should I have her tested for G6PD deficiency before I begin the Macrobid prescription? If I was to be put on Cipro is that safe in nursing. I have read about concerns of osteoarticular toxicity with the use of Cipro in nursing. Have there been many studies done on this and what have the sample sizes been?


  • #2

    Cipro is rated an L3-limited data-probably compatible. The amount transferred into breast milk is 2.1-6.34% of your dose. It is probably ok when used short term (7-10 Days), long term use is not recommended because it could possibly cause tendon rupture, discoloration of the teeth and pseudomembranous colitis. It peaks in the milk at 0.5-2.5 hours and half is out in about 4.1 hours. Try to take it right after breastfeeding so you have a break period before feeding again preferably about 3 hours after taking the medication and monitor your infant for vomiting, diarrhea, rash and thrush.

    Macrobid is rated an L2-limited data-probably compatible. The amount transferred into breast milk is 6.8% of your dose. This one is not recommended in infants less than 1month of age, those with G6PD deficiency and those with hyperbilirubinemia. If there is a family history of G6PD deficiency it may be prudent to check your infant first, if not just monitor her for yellowing of the skin and eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, rash and thrush.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

