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Doxycycline while breastfeeding 4 month old

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  • Doxycycline while breastfeeding 4 month old

    I was prescribed 100mg doxycycline twice daily for 3 weeks. I've read conflicting information about the safety of this drug during breastfeeding an exclusively breastfeeding infant of this age. Please advise. Are there any sources of evidence based research showing that this medication is indeed safe in this situation?

  • #2

    Doxycycline is rated an L2-limited data-probably compatible. The amount transferred into breast milk is 4.2-13.3% of your dose. [COLOR=#333333][FONT=lucida grande]It is well-known that tetracyclines as a class tend to stain the teeth yellow after prolonged exposure. Doxycycline is the least staining of the tetracyclines, and short-term usage should be fine. Prolonged exposure may lead to impaired bone growth and increased likelihood of staining. Treatment for up to 3 weeks is acceptable in breastfeeding mothers, treatment longer than 3 weeks not recommended. Monitor your infant for vomiting, diarrhea, rash and thrush as with any antibiotic.


    1.##Morganti G, Ceccarelli G, Ciaffi G. [Comparative concentrations of a tetracycline antibiotic in serum and maternal milk]. Antibiotica 1968; 6(3):216-223.
    2.##Lutziger H. Konzentrationsbestimmungen und klinisch wirksamkeit von doxycyclin (Vibramycin) in uterus, adnexen und muttermilch. Ther Umsch. 1969;26:476-80.
    3##Tokuda G, Yuasa M, Mihara S et al. Clinical study of doxycycline in obstetrical and gynecological fields. Chemotherapy (Tokyo). 1969;17:339-44.
    4.##Borderon E, Soutoul JH et al. Excretion of antibiotics in human milk. Med Mal Infect. 1975; 5:373-6.
    5.##Todd S, Dahlgren F, Traeger M, et al. No evidence of tooth staining following doxycycline administration in children for treatment of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. J Pediatr. 2015;166:1246-1251.

    I hope this helps.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

