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Tinidazole and Tioconazole

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  • Olga1505
    Originally posted by admin View Post

    About 12.2% of an INTRAVENOUS dose of Tinidazole transfers into human milk. I doubt that the vaginal use would produce levels anywhere close to this since the reported bioavailability is only 10%.

    As for Tioconazole, the systemic absorption following vaginal application, is virtually nil ( < 2.9%). I doubt that either of these drugs are a problem when used vaginally for an infant of 6 month. But we don't really have much data, and none on the vaginal use of these drugs.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.
    Tom, thank you for your answer. I think I will leave only one night feeding before using this drug, so the interval will be 24 hours. Hope one feeding will not influence my baby. Greetings from Russia!

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  • admin

    About 12.2% of an INTRAVENOUS dose of Tinidazole transfers into human milk. I doubt that the vaginal use would produce levels anywhere close to this since the reported bioavailability is only 10%.

    As for Tioconazole, the systemic absorption following vaginal application, is virtually nil ( < 2.9%). I doubt that either of these drugs are a problem when used vaginally for an infant of 6 month. But we don't really have much data, and none on the vaginal use of these drugs.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.

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  • Olga1505
    started a topic Tinidazole and Tioconazole

    Tinidazole and Tioconazole

    Hello! I should use vaginal suppository which contain 100mg Tinidazole and 150mg Tioconazole 7 days. Should I stop breastfeeding? My baby is 6 months. Now I have stopped but it is very difficult. Many thanks for you help!