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Are all probiotics safe?

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  • Are all probiotics safe?

    I was just prescribed sulfamethoxazole for a UTI. I picked up some probiotics while at the pharmacy to help avoid thrush. I accidentally grabbed a maximum strength probiotic. 10 strains with 30 billion active cultures. Safe to use the 'maximum strength'? The probiotic is for myself and my baby is 12 mo old.
    Last edited by e2soergie; 11-12-2014, 01:08 PM.

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for your post.

    The probiotic should be no problem. The bacteria in the probiotic land in your gut and stay there; they don't go into the blood or milk.

    Please call us at the InfantRisk Center if this has not completely answered your question.*(806)352-2519

    -James Abbey, MD


    • #3
      I found several studies that found that it was safe and beneficial. That is to say that the ones tested were safe and beneficial and doesn't necessarily extend to every brand of every type of probiotic.

      Your doctor will have numerous reasons for steering you away from supplements you want to take, including but not limited to: concerns about malpractice, not enough time or inclination to explore the issue thoroughly, ignorance and prejudice. In cases like this you may just have to accept full responsibility and decide for yourself.

      While we're on the subject of prenatal supplements, you may be interested in the latest on Vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D3 is often deficient and is now known to reduce the risk of type I diabetes, asthma, MS, dental and bone problems, leukemia, schizophrenia and possibly autism, among other things.

