I was prescribed a single oral dose of Tinidazole for a bacterial infection. 4 pills of 500mg each at once. I looked up if it was safe to breastfeed and it was suggested not to for 3 days following last dose. I asked my doctor and he said it should be fine go ahead. I took the dose at 1:30pm Thursday and attempted bottle feeding formula until it became very difficult for my baby who is 7 weeks old and decided to nurse in the middle of the night 4 different times on Friday night around 2am, was the start of when I nursed him the first time. I have been second guessing and stressing about his safety ever since i nursed him and then did more research finding it to be carcnigenic and mutaneginic. Is my 7 week old at risk of developing issues from the amount he may have ingested from my milk? I called the pediatrician who isnt familiar with the medication and suggested I wait the 3 days and wasnt sure why my OB suggested it was safe and to breastfeed.
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The InfantRisk team
Single dose 2g Tinidazole
Tinidazole is a close cousin of Metronidazole which is used in pediatrics all the time.
There have been suggestions for many years now about the mutagenicity of this family of drugs, including metronidazole, in bacterial tests and in animal tests at "high prolonged doses". While some bacteria have have mutagenic changes, after all these years, there is no current evidence in humans that this family produces mutagenic changes in newborns, children or adults for that matter. There is no evidence at all, after 30 years of using this family, that they are mutagenic in humans at all.
I would not be at all concerned about your infant.
Tom Hale PhD.
From JON E.ROSENBLATTM.D. Mayo Clinic Proceedings ://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00256196[/url]) Volume 62, Issue 11 ://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00256196/62/11[/url]), November 1987, Pages 1013-1017
Several studies have substantiated an increase in the frequency of occurrence of various tumors in laboratory animals receiving prolonged high oral doses of metronidazole. ( The drug has also been found to be mutagenic for a variety of bacteria, including the Ames Salmonella typhimurium mutant; an apparent correlation exists between animal carcinogenicity and the mutagenicity of an agent for these bacteria.
Evidence of human carcinogenicity is incomplete, but neither of two studies suggests an increased incidence of cancer after treatment with metronidazole. The period of follow-up in these studies may have been too short to assess human carcinogenesis (10 years); further information on long-term follow-up of patients treated with metronidazole should be recorded for such an assessment.