Mamabear: I think you should quite worrying about the Doxycycline. Levels in milk are low, oral absorption is low due to calcium, and even the FDA says its safe for up to 6 weeks in some cases.
Quite worrying and enjoy your baby.
Tom Hale Ph.D.
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Doxycycline, Elidel & 11 month-old
Doxycycline, Elidel & 11 month-old
Hi! I have read over and over again that doxycycline should be okay for three weeks. I was prescribe 100mg twice a day for four weeks. I have also read a fairly recent paper that suggested that the calcium in breast milk binds with doxycycline and makes it less likely to be absorbed by a breastfeeding infant. I have breast feeding aversion pretty bad and my baby is eating pretty much everything that anyone eats (he’s got a mouth full of chompers!) but I guess I am worried about the extra week because I still nurse him a couple times a day. More than the teeth staining, I am worried about the bone growth and whether the baby could experience the side affects? The warning actually says not to lay down for one to two hours after taking it to avoid increased blood pressure on the brain- but he is always going to sleep when he nurses, so he is definitely laying down... what do you think?
Also, I was prescribed topical Elidel twice a day until the rash clears up. Not so worried about that, but if I should be, please inform.
Thanks for the work you are doing!! This website has been my saving grace!!
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