Have a look at our FAQ about metronidazole over on our sister site: Mommymeds.com
Please post again or call us at the InfantRisk Center if this has not completely answered your question. (806)352-2519
-James Abbey, MD
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Metronidazole while breastfeeding 4 months old baby
Metronidazole while breastfeeding a 3 months
I'm taking a 500mg dose of metronidazole(flagyl)
just for one day is it still safe to breastfeed my baby?
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Thank you. I would appreciate if you could please also let me know how much of this antibiotic infant gets in percentage of the therapeutic dose for the infant, I assume it would be more than 12-13% because of the infant's body mass. Thanks again for the inforamtion.
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About 12-13% of the maternal dose transfers. Not enough to even bother the infant. Much less than the clinical dose in an infant.
Tom Hale
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Thank you so much for your reply. May i ask you what is the percentage ot the drug that baby gets throught breast milk?
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Dear Olly
Metronidazole is indicated in the treatment of vaginitis due to Trichomonas vaginalis and many other types of anaerobic bacterial infections. The amount received by the breastfed infant through milk is well below the clinical doses therapeutically used in infants.
The dose you are on is okay, you need to make sure you take your doses 8 hours apart. Metronidazole may cause abdominal discomfort in the baby, and a metallic taste to the milk. As far as the white coating on the tongue, if it does not resolve after your done with the medication, i would suggest you talk to your pediatrician. For more information contact the InfantRisk Center at 806-352-2519.
Tassneem Abdel Karim MD
InfantRisk Center
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Metronidazole while breastfeeding 4 months old baby
I was recently prescribed Metronidazole for bacterial vaginosis, 400 mg 3 times a day for 7 days. I have been breastfeeding my 4 months old baby during treatment for 5 days so far, initially was planning to pump and dump, but baby didn't take a bottle.
I read contradictory infortmaion about this drug during breastfeeding, my concern is if this dosage might be too high thus might be passing in a big amount to the baby. Today is day 5 of treatment, my baby is extremely fussy, i also noticed he has white coating on the tongue.Tags: None
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