Good morning. I have RA and my disease is well controlled in terms of my CRP and labs, but not my symptoms. I was on 2.5 mg prednisone during pregnancy. After the baby was ~two months, I bumped to 5mg and then to 10 mg. When the baby was around 7.5 months old I started Humira. Humira helped some and I was wanting to lower my prednisone due to irritability. I lowered my prednisone back down to 2.5 mg. I have a fair amount of pain in my feet due to inflammation. Injections of cortisone are not an option, I did do that when baby was about 2.5 months and that helped for a few months. I unfortunately have damage in my feet. I have also developed new rheumatoid nodules in the past few months, which of course concerned my doctor. The Rheumatologist suggested an injection of prednisone that I believe she said is stored in the fat cells for a longer time and is a higher dose, like maybe 50 or 75 mg. The doctor said she doesn't know the amount that the baby, now almost 10 months would absorb or how long the prednisone would stay in my system/transfer into the milk. I am currently taking a weekly Humira injection and daily prednisone 2.5 mg. My questions are,
for a 10 month old who nurses ~7 to 11 times in 24 hours, how safe is a prednisone injection into my fat cells, I believe into my butt is the injection site, hopefully I am correctly stating "fat cells", as I am going off memory
would there be a consideration in 50mg vs. 75 mg for this injection?
would a tapering oral course of prednisone be preferred to the injection?
Does the safety of Humira change from injecting every week vs. every two weeks?
Does the injection form of prednisone usually have the same side effects as oral prednisone, particularly I am asking about the mood swings/irritability?
I would like to continue nursing maybe until 18 months, do the benefits of continuing to breastfeed longer 18 months versus 12 months outweigh the medication risks of continuing on weekly Humira? I am not sure if I will continue prednisone.
Thank you you so much for your feedback and maintaining these forums.
for a 10 month old who nurses ~7 to 11 times in 24 hours, how safe is a prednisone injection into my fat cells, I believe into my butt is the injection site, hopefully I am correctly stating "fat cells", as I am going off memory
would there be a consideration in 50mg vs. 75 mg for this injection?
would a tapering oral course of prednisone be preferred to the injection?
Does the safety of Humira change from injecting every week vs. every two weeks?
Does the injection form of prednisone usually have the same side effects as oral prednisone, particularly I am asking about the mood swings/irritability?
I would like to continue nursing maybe until 18 months, do the benefits of continuing to breastfeed longer 18 months versus 12 months outweigh the medication risks of continuing on weekly Humira? I am not sure if I will continue prednisone.
Thank you you so much for your feedback and maintaining these forums.