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Toddler, Oxycodone,Ativan

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  • Toddler, Oxycodone,Ativan

    I am currently breastfeeding a 2 year old. I am on oxycodone 30mg twice a day for back pain due to metal plates from a car accident and ativan 1mg twice a day for anxiety and sleep. I cannot find any information on breastfeeding a toddler and medications. Your help would be grealty appreciated. Could this be harming him? Should I stop breastfeeding him? He usally only nurses at night before bed. Thanks in advance.

  • #2

    It is quite unlikely that this infant (2 years old) would receive enough milk per day to produce a clinical dose of oxycodone, or ativan. I think it is reasonably safe in your situation to continue to breastfeed.

    Just observe the infant for sedation or sleepiness.

    Tom Hale PH.D.

