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Lortab and Robaxin

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  • Lortab and Robaxin


    Due to severe and debilitating back problems I am taking two 5mg Lortab and two 750mg Robaxin 3 times a day, every four hours. I do not take any meds during the night, I am limiting the meds to my active hours. I was taking 200mg ultram every day for 3 months and my (7 month old 21lb exclusively breastfed )infant did just fine, with no reactions or issues at all.

    My neurosurgeon just changed my meds to the pain killer and muscle relaxer. I may need surgery but we are going to try other methods for 6-8 months first. I may be on this medication daily for the next several months and I am very nervous about nursing since I am taking the meds all day every day. Thus far there have been no reactions, and I try to nurse her before each dose and wait at least 2 hours after dosing to nurse or pump her milk. Do you have any suggestions for me? Should I consider weaning her? Or can I continue to confidently nurse her safely? I am unable to play with her much or do the things I want too because of my condition so I would love to at least be able to nurse her so she can see that I love her and am not willingly being less interactive with her.

    Thank you for your help.

  • #2

    With a 7 month old infant, this dose is not likely to affect the infant. I'd simply monitor the infant for side effects, particularly sedation, difficulty to arouse, and constipation which is a major complication of hydrocodone.

    If you see these problems, then you might want to reduce your breastfeeding by introducing formula (say half and half).

    Tom Hale Ph.D.

